
A valid TAIP message without the opening (>)and closing (<) delimiters. Several TAIP actions can be de fined on a single event. There are two valid messages to defi ne the action.’ACT=’ which will make the event to be sent both through the serial port and over the air and’XCT=’ that will only send the event through the serial port. See the following examples. Actions refer to the things that you want to execute automatically as part of an Event Definition. Example: >SED00NV0;F00+;ACT=SSSXP21< The action above is ACT=SSSXP21, this means that when F00+ (Ignition is ON) we are going to automatically execute SSSXP21. There are two types of actions ACT & XCT, when the Event Handling|Message Routing is Silent – we do not worry about which one to use. When the Event Handling|Message Routing is Normal – the following applies: ACT = Means that the response to the Action: >RSSXP21;ID=356612021234567< is sent to the Destination Points defined in the Event’s Destination Address. XCT = Means that the response to the Action: >RSSXP21;ID=356612021234567< is NOT sent to the Destination Points, it’s still executed, but silently (meaning it’s not visualized on the server).